Isaac’s Personal Website


文集Collection of essays



A brief history of the development of Christian activities in St. Paul’s College, Hong Kong (1851-2001) (Short History of Christian Union)


聖誕遊記 Year 1 Christmas Travel Journals

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中歐拔 Central European Highlights


別矣!劍橋 Goodbye! Cambridge


杭州觀察 Observations in Hangzhou


雪泥鴻爪在天竺My footprints in India




理學碩士畢業典禮:倫敦衛生及熱帶病學學院 頒授文憑日 二零零六年三月十一日(星期六)MSc graduation ceremony: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Diploma Day on 11th March 2006 (Saturday)


基督信仰與學術專業Christian Faith, Professions and Academic Disciplines

(誠邀稿件 Invitation to contributors