


9th AGM (December 2003)

Time really flies and you know what? It has been 9 years since the day we toyed with the idea of setting up our own tea club. Someone reminded us that the first meeting was held in a restaurant in Prince Edward right across the road from the 'police club'.  We did not have the name then. It was only at the second meeting that the name 'Four-and-a-half cup tea club' came alive. Form then on, the club held us together and functioned the way that we wanted to be. In a sense, it is doing more than what anyone of us could have anticipated. - it has lasted 9 years.

This year, We celebrated the  9th anniversary in Hau Sau Fat's house. It was the best arrangement as the meeting was called with short notice. This way we do not have to worry too much about the time to come,  the time to eat and the time to have the AGM.  Mr.  Ko brought Mrs Ko along and who brought us two nice cakes. Lam Suk Ling brought two of her friends too. Hau Sau Fat managed to dug up some rare and aged pu-erh tea (20's stuff).  Nobody wanted to leave early and it was well past 1:00am before the last of the member left. 

The meeting centered around not only on the activities that we had but what we should do for the 10th anniversary and AGM. We have se up a working group, led by Vimi Lung,  and it is going to handle a lot of work. Well, here are some of the photos that we took on that evening.


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8th AGM (December 2003)

The 8th AGM was held in in the Ho Chung Driving range Restaurant in Sai Kung.  The place was wonderful and it was in the middle of nowhere. Really hard to fine a place like that in a over-populated city like Hong Kong. A number of us arrived in the early afternoon to enjoy ourselves before the meeting at 7:00 pm. ChanChinSan bought his newly assembled remote-controlled mini cooper.  Yeung Kim Wo was full of tricks in his box of toys - kits, remote-controlled car, ... We had such a great time and did not have the meeting until 8:00pm. And the committee members were elected then.


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The Four and a half cup tea club

7th AGM (November 2002)

The 7th AGM was held in one of the upstairs-restaurant in TST in November 2002. Joe Li tried the place out twice and found it nice and comfortable. It is perfect for small groups as one could have the whole place by oneself. It was just right for the meeting as we wanted to keep it small. A few of the club's close friend were invited. We had a wonderful time



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